Smiling mand who is wearing a hat in Finland taken in forest and log background

Sami Laitinen is Finnish photographer, filmmaker, and creative producer. His passions in work are in adventure, lifestyle and automotive but with his expertise he can tackle any challenge no matter the industry. Samis strong understanding about marketing and widely trusted abilities in creation has led him to work with one of the biggest and most interested brands in Finland and abroad. Capturing split-second moments with unique style and emotional punch are factors that drives Sami forward to tell stories and make impact to the people.

Everything starts from an idea and Sami will bring that idea of yours in life efficiently with creative style. Aided with his wide connection network including producers, influencers, photographers, and other creators there’s no limit on the size of the project. Everything is possible when you really believe it.

During his free time Sami likes to spend time in nature hiking, biking, and climbing.
Sami Laitinen on helsinkiläinen valokuvaaja, videokuvaaja ja luova tuottaja. Hänen intohimonsa ovat adventure, outdoor ja lifestyle, mutta Samin ammattitaidon ansiosta, hän suorittaa haasteet toimialasta riippumatta. Hänen vahva ymmärrys markkinoinnista ja laajalti luotetut kyvyt vaihtelevissa tuotannoissa, ovat johdattaneet hänet työskentelemään Suomen suurimpien ja kiinnostavimpien brändien kanssa. Ohikiitävien hetkien taltioiminen uniikilla ja tunteita herättävällä tavalla, ovat Samin toiminnan keskiössä ja näyttäytyvät suuressa roolissa kiehtovassa tarinankerronnassa.

Kaikki alkaa ideasta ja Sami tuo juuri sinun ideasi eloon tehokkaasti ja luovalla tyylillä. Hänen laajan valokuvaajia, vaikuttajia, tuottajia, elokuvaajia ja muita luovan alan ammattilaisia sisältävän verkostonsa avulla, projektin koolla ei ole rajoja. Kaikki on mahdollista, kun todella uskot siihen. 

Vapaa-ajallaan Sami viettää mielellään aikaansa luonnossa retkeillen ja kävellen, pyörän selässä ja kiipeilyharrastuksen parissa.


Have a question?

  • That’s a good question. Let’s clear out things a bit.

    Sami’s core idea is to create creative solutions that will answer to your needs. With the innovative way of thinking he always looks how he can help your business to thrive by building assets for marketing purposes.

    Brand photography or filmmaking, content production, social media campaign, project
    These are just few examples what Sami and his team can do. Some examples of the projects that Sami has been working on can be found here. You name it Sami will dot it.

  • As people businesses are also unique. Sami’s goal is always to deliver top notch services for his clients. That’s why he want’s to sit down with you, take a cup of coffee and discuss what it is that you are really looking for.

    Different projects require different level of expertise and time. Eventually the cost really depends on what resources is needed to spark up your idea into life so it meets your needs.

    Here are some rough pricing examples to give you a bit of guidance, but drop a message to Sami to figure out the cost of your project.

    Photography projects: 1 000 - 8 000 €
    Video production: 2 000 - 15 000 €
    Social media campaign: 200 - 2 000 €
    Content production: 400 - 4 000 €

  • Every partnership in life is based on a mutual trust and respect whether it’s personal or business. Those values are core factors on Sami’s work and he stands 100% behind them. Comprehensive content production no matter the medium is philosophy that Sami follows.

    Sami thinks that it is most beneficial to both parties to build up bonds that will last time. If you are looking for a partnership that matters and that not only fulfill your needs, but is genuinely interested in your business and wants to help you to develop it in the long run, you’ve come to the right place.

Drop a message and let’s work together!